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601.229 (F24): Assignment 1: Big Integers
Milestone 1: due Wednesday, Sep 4th by 11 pm
Milestone 2: due Wednesday, Sep 11th by 11 pm
Assignment type: Pair, you may work with one partner
In this assignment, you will implement a BigInt
C++ data type whichallows arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic.
Milestones, grading criteria
Milestone 1 (15% of the assignment grade):
- Implementation of functions (15%)
- constructors
- destructor
- assignment operator
member functionget_bit_vector()
member functionis_negative()
member functionoperator-()
member function (unary minus)to_hex()
member function (conversion to base-16)
Milestone 1 is intended as a warm-up, since you might not havewritten C++ code in a while. For that reason, it is a verylightweight milestone. Milestone 2 will require significantlymore work.
Milestone 2 (85% of the assignment grade):
- Implementation of functions (65%)
member functionoperator+(const BigInt &)
member function (addition)operator-(const BigInt &)
member function (two-operand subtraction)operator*(const BigInt &)
member function (multiplication—challenging!)compare(const BigInt &)
member functionoperator<<(unsigned)
member function (left shift)operator/(const BigInt &)
member function (division—challenging!)to_dec()
member function (conversion to base-10—challenging!)
- Comprehensiveness and quality of your unit tests (10%)
- Design and coding style (10%)
Multiplication (operator*
) is somewhat challenging, and is worthat most 1.5% of the assignment grade. Division (operator/
) and conversion tobase-10 (to_dec()
) are even more challenging, and each is worth at most 0.75% of theoverall assignment grade. You should work on all of these only after implementingand testing the other member functions.
Getting started
To get started, download csf_assign01.zip, which contains theskeleton code for the assignment, and then unzip it.
Note that you can download the zipfile from the command line using the curl
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2024/assign/csf_assign01.zip
We strongly recommend using a Git repository to storeyour code. Please do not use a public repository, however.
To compile the test program, run the commands
make dependmake
Note that make depend
automatically determines header file dependencies.
To run the unit tests:
As you know, the “built-in” C integer data types (int
, uint64_t
, etc.) havea finite number of bits, and so can represent only a finite set of possible values.Therefore, they don’t model mathematical integers with complete fidelity.However, they can be building blocks for the creation of an arbitrary-precisioninteger data type, where there is no fixed limit on the range of values that canbe represented (other than machine limitations such as the amount of memory thatcan be addressed by the program.)
In this assignment, you will implement the BigInt
C++ data type. It should havetwo member variables:
- a
values representing the magnitudeof theBigInt
value - a
representing whether or not theBigInt
value is negative
The vector of uint64_t
elements is the “bit string”. If you think about themagnitude of a BigInt
value as an arbitrary integer, the bit string specifiesthat value in base 2. The first element contains the least-significant 64 bitsof the bit string, the second element contains the next 64 bits of the bit string,etc. For example, consider the integer value \(2^{64} = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616\).This value is represented in base 2 as
which is one followed by 64 zeroes. In hexadecimal (base 16), this value isrepresented as
which is 1 followed by 16 zeroes. Note that each hex “digit” represents4 bits (base-2 “digits”.)
Since a uint64_t
value contains exactly 64 bits, the value \(2^{64}\) couldbe represented as two uint64_t
values: the less-significant would havethe value 0 (representing the lowest 64 bits, all of which are 0), andthe more-significant would have the value 1 (meaning that there is a 1in the \(2^{64}\) place in the base-2 representation.
In general, because a BigInt
object contains a vector of uint64_t
values,with no arbitrary limit on the number of elements the vector can hold,it can contain as many uint64_t
values as it needs in order to represent any integermagnitude.
Since integers can be negative or non-negative, a BigInt
will also have a bool
value which is set to true if the BigInt
is negative, false if non-negative.This makes BigInt
a sign/magnitude integer representation.
values do not use two’s complement. Two BigInt
valueswith the same magnitude and opposing signs will differ only in thebool
value indicating their sign. The representations of theirmagnitudes will be exactly the same.
Your tasks
You have two general tasks:
- implement the member functions of
- implement additional unit tests so that all member functions aretested thoroughly
The member functions have detailed documentation comments in bigint.h
whichdescribe how they should behave. There are also provided unit tests inbigint_tests.cpp
which further clarify the intended behavior of themember functions. Note that while the provided unit tests are useful,and are a good starting point for validating the implementation of themember functions, there are important cases that they don’t test.So, it will be critical for you to write additional tests.
As documented above, there are two milestones. Milestone 1 tests onlya limited subset of member functions, and the unit tests you writearen’t part of the grading criteria for Milestone 1. Milestone 2requires you to implement the rest of the member functions, and alsorequires you to have comprehensive unit tests for all functions (includingthe ones tested in Milestone 1.)
You must adhere to the following restrictions in completing the assignment.
Only standard library classes/functions can be used. You aren’tallowed to use any external libraries in your implementation.However, you are free (and encouraged) to use any functionality in theC++ (or C) standard library.
Only 64-bit and smaller data types can be used. You aren’t allowedto use any data type whose representation is larger than 64 bits.(However, you won’t need to, and it wouldn’t make the job easierin any case.)
Original code only. It should go without saying that all of the codeyou submit must be your original work. Copying code from an externalsource would be a violation of academic ethics.
Recommendations and hints
This section has further recommendations and hints, in no particular order.
Don’t use floating point operations
You will not need to use floating point (float
or double
) operations.If you have a problem that you think requires floating point, there isdefinitely a way to solve the problem without floating point. For example,if you need to compute an arbitrary power of 2, don’t use the pow
function.Instead, left shift the value 1UL
the appropriate number of places.E.g., 1UL << n
will be equal to \(2^{n}\) as long as n
is in the range\(0 \ldots 63\).
This assignment is about integers.
Do use auto
We encourage you to use auto
to infer types, since it makes codecleaner and more readable. For example, to iterate through avector v
for (auto i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) { // do something with *i}
Helper functions
We recommend adding private member functions as necessary to support the implementationof the required public member functions. For example, the reference implementationdefines the following private member functions:
bool is_zero() const;static BigInt add_magnitudes(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs);static BigInt subtract_magnitudes(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs);static int compare_magnitudes(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs);BigInt div_by_2() const;
You aren’t required to implement these specific private member functions(or any private member functions for that matter.)
Addition of magnitudes
You should implement addition of magnitudes using the “grade school” algorithm.Think about each element of the vector of uint64_t
values in a BigInt
object as a “digit”. The uint64_t
values just happen to be digits in base\(2^{64}\).
Start by adding the “digits” in the rightmost column to compute the rightmostdigit of the result. Note that the computed “digit” is correct modulo \(2^{64}\).If the addition of the column values overflows, you will need to carry a 1 intothe next column (to the left.) This is exactly analogous to base-10 addition.For example:
16+ 7---- ??
When adding the digits in the right column (\(6 + 7\)), the sum is \(13\),which modulo the base (10) is 3. So, the rightmost digit of the sum is 3.However, the addition overflows, since \(13\) can’t be represented as asingle base-10 digit. So, we will need to carry a 1 into the nextcolumn.
To detect overflow when adding uint64_t
“digits”, you can use the standardtrick for detecting unsigned integer overflow:
sum = a + b;if (sum < a) { // overflow occurred}
An additional way that column values could overflow is if a 1 is beingcarried in from the previous column. As a base-10 analogy, adding\(7 + 2\) wouldn’t normally cause an overflow. However, if a 1 is carriedin from the previous column, then \(7 + 2\) will cause an overflow,since \(7 + 2 + 1 = 10\). You will need to think carefully about how thistype of situation should be handled when dealing with uint64_t
One concern when implementing addition is that the two BigInt
values beingadded might have different numbers of uint64_t
values in their bit stringvectors. The get_bits()
member function can be helpful for retrievingpart of a bit string without needing to worry about how many elements thevector actually has.
Addition with negative values
You can handle negative values as follows:
- If two nonnegative values are added, or if two negative values are added,then the result has a magnitude that is the sum of the magnitudes ofthe operands, and the sign will be the same as the sign of both operands.
- In a “mixed” addition (one operand is non-negative and one operand isnegative), the magnitude of the result is the difference \(a-b\), where \(a\)is the magnitude of the value with the larger magnitude, and \(b\) is themagnitude of the value with the smaller magnitude. The sign of the resultis the same as the sign of the operand with the larger magnitude.
You will probably find it useful to create helper functions to add magnitudesand subtract magnitudes.
The two-operand subtraction operator operator-(const BigInt &)
can beimplemented by adding the negation of the right-hand operand to thevalue of the left hand operand. In other words, you can compute
\[a - b\]
\[a + -b\]
Subtraction of magnitudes
Subtraction of magnitudes should always involve subtracting a smaller magnitudefrom a larger magnitude. As with adding magnitudes, you can use the “gradeschool” algorithm: start with the “digits” in the rightmost column. Each timea column difference requires subtracting a larger value from a smallervalue, you will need to borrow 1 from the next column.
Again, as a base-10 analogy, in the subtraction
16- 7---- ??
the rightmost column difference \(6-7\) requires borrowing 1 from the nextcolumn since \(7\) is greater than \(6\).
Left shift
The left shift operator (operator<<(unsigned)
) will require some careful thought.Here are some ideas that could make it simpler to implement:
- If the number of bits shifted is a multiple of 64, that is an “easy” case,since each
value in the result’s bit string will be identicalto a correspondinguint64_t
value in the original value’s bit string. - The number of bits shifted is really only “interesting” modulo 64.For example, shifting left by 1 bit, shifting left by 65 bits,shifting left by 129 bits, etc., are very similar cases. The onlyway in which they differ is how many
values worth of 0bits are incorporated into the least-significant part of the result’sbit string.
Conversion to hexadecimal (to_hex()
Converting a BigInt
value to a hexadecimal string is fairly straightforwardif you use a std::stringstream
object to help with the formatting of theuint64_t
values as hexadecimal. The std::hex
, std::setfill
, and std::setw
manipulators will likely be helpful.
Don’t forget that a negative value needs a leading -
sign.Also, make sure there are no unnecessary leading 0
digits. (Although,the value equal to \(0\) should be coverted to the string “0
One way to implement multiplication is to break down one of the operandsinto powers of 2, multiply the other operand by each of those powers of 2,and add those partial products together.
For example, \(37 = 32 + 4 + 1 = 2^{5} + 2^{2} + 2^{0}\). The product\(37 \times m\) could therefore be computed as
\[2^{5} \times m + 2^{2} \times m + 2^{0} \times m\]
Note that left-shifting a value by \(n\) is the same as multiplying itby \(2^{n}\). So, if you have implemented the is_bit_set()
, operator<<
,and operator+
member functions, you should have everything you need to implementmultiplication.
You will need to think about how the sign of the result relates to thesigns of the operands.
A simple way to implement division is using binary search. In computing\(q = n / m\), where \(n\) is the dividend and \(m\) is the divisor,we can note that the quotient \(q\) will be in the range \(0 \ldots n\), inclusive.So, initially, \(0\) is the lower bound of the range, and \(n\)is the upper bound of the range. Repeatedly, we can choose apossible value of \(q\) midway between the lower and upper bounds.Depending on whether or not \(q \times m\) is greater than \(n\),we can revise either the lower or upper search bound. Eventually,the range should collapse to a single value, which is the computedquotient \(q\).
Note that this is not a particularly fast way to implement division, butit is adequate for this assignment.
When choosing a value midway between the current lower and upper bounds,it’s useful to have a “divide by 2” operation. Note that a right shiftby 1 bit is effectively a division by 2.
The intended semantics of division is that the computed quotient has thelargest magnitude such that multiplying it by the divisor yields a productwhose magnitude is not greater than the dividend’s magnitude.
You will need to think about how the sign of the result relates to thesigns of the operands.
Conversion to decimal (to_dec()
One algorithm for converting an integer to decimal (base 10) is repeatedlydividing by 10: the remainder of each division will yield one digit, in orderfrom least significant to most significant.
Note that you could make this process more efficient by generating more thanone digit at a time. For example, repeatedly dividing by 100 would yieldtwo base-10 digits at a time. You should think about how many base-10 digitscan be produced by each iteration of this process.
As with to_hex()
, std::stringstream
will be helpful. Also, don’t forgetto prepend a leading -
sign if the value is negative.
Writing tests
Your unit tests should test each required member function thoroughly.We recommend that you implement your tests by adding additionaltest functions to bigint_tests.cpp
, rather than adding new teststo the provided test functions.
Your tests should try to create “interesting” scenarios for each testedmember function. This includes things like
- zero vs. non-zero values
- negative vs. non-negative values (and combinations thereof)
- smaller vs. larger values
- etc.
A good mindset for testing is that you are an adversary of your owncode, i.e., you are trying to make it break.
One approach that can be helpful is to write a program to generatetest cases. Both Python andRuby support arbitrary-precisionintegers as part of the core language. So, you can write a scriptin either of those languages which computes arbitrarily largeinteger values, does an operation on them, and then prints codeof a test case to check whether BigInt
produces the same resultwhen doing the same computation. Some of the test cases in theprovided unit tests were generated by a Ruby script. For example,here is an automatically-generated test for subtraction:
{ BigInt left( {0x94e439a254295b2fUL, 0xc02d6dc0be0efef4UL, 0xe5156c9d912b61f2UL, 0xb82729123ce1051eUL, 0x1d2c69a0ed4011c3UL, 0xf13f35779fd54911UL, 0x15056f71d40516eaUL, 0xdb571f43f9416bdeUL, 0x7e21086e7df7095UL, 0x797275a8e7538b0aUL, 0x18a6284e20e7893aUL}); BigInt right( {0x9161ea05eb48510dUL, 0xb7a476402ef52acaUL, 0xdf96be7a926695adUL, 0x53e8bc19a9c14029UL, 0xf87ee595e422d5f0UL, 0x72dd209be1d990cbUL, 0xb991581205507625UL, 0x77bbceb930f0c50eUL, 0x862b240a5ee05327UL, 0x44af5ae70f9c63b6UL, 0x30UL}, true); BigInt result = left - right; check_contents(result, {0x264623a83f71ac3cUL, 0x77d1e400ed0429bfUL, 0xc4ac2b182391f7a0UL, 0xc0fe52be6a24548UL, 0x15ab4f36d162e7b4UL, 0x641c561381aed9ddUL, 0xce96c783d9558d10UL, 0x5312edfd2a3230ecUL, 0x8e0d349146bfc3bdUL, 0xbe21d08ff6efeec0UL, 0x18a6284e20e7896aUL}); ASSERT(!result.is_negative());}
Note that automatically-generated test cases are a complement tohand-written test cases, not a substitute for them.
Before submitting each milestone, you should edit README.txt
to include information about
- the contributions of each team member
- any interesting implementation details or things we should knowabout your submission
You can use the command make solution.zip
to create a zipfile withthe required submission files.
Upload solution.zip
to either Assignment 1 MS1 or Assignment 1 MS2on Gradescope as appropriate.