Days Until Date Calculator (2024)

Use our days until calculator to calculate the number of days until a specific date.

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Days Until the End Date:

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Business Days:
Weekend Days:

This calculation includes holidays in the business days result. Weekends include Saturdays and Sundays. Use our business days calculator to calculate non-holiday working days.

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On this page:

  • How to Calculate How Many Days There Are Until a Date
  • Method One: Calculate the Number of Days Manually
  • Method Two: Use Computer Software
  • Method Three: Use an Online Calculator


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Ethan has a PhD in astrophysics and is currently a satellite imaging scientist. He specializes in math, science, and astrophysics.

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Sexton, J. (n.d.). Days Until Date Calculator. Inch Calculator. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from

How to Calculate How Many Days There Are Until a Date

Counting down the time until a date is often needed for tasks in finance and logistics or for things as simple as finding the number of days until your birthday. You might also want to figure out how many days there are until school starts or your baby’s due date.

There are a few different ways to find the number of days until an important date.

Method One: Calculate the Number of Days Manually

The first method is to simply calculate the number of days between two dates on a calendar manually.

If the dates are in the same month, you can simply subtract the day of the month of the first date from that of the second. For example, the number of days between March 3rd and March 22nd is 22 – 3 = 19 days.

However, if the dates are in different months or years, then you’ll need to follow a few steps to calculate the number of days in between. Follow these steps to find the number of days between two dates:

Step One: Break Down the Dates

Begin by identifying the day, month, and year for both the start and end dates.

Step Two: Calculate the Number of Days Remaining in the Start Month

Then, subtract the starting day from the total days in the first month.

For instance, if the start date is March 10, since there are 31 total days in March, there are 31 – 10 = 21 days left in March.

Step Three: Calculate the Number of Days in the End Month

Next, use the day of the end month as the number of days in the end month.

For instance, if the end date is April 25, then there are 25 days in the end month to add to the total number of days.

Step Four: Find the Days in Full Months In Between

If there are any full months between your start and end months, then add the number of days in each full month to the total number of days.

For instance, if your date range is from March 10 to May 15, then you’ll need to add all the days of April to the number of days calculated in steps two and three.

Step Five: Calculate the Total Number of Days

The final step is to sum up the days from steps two, three, and four to calculate the total number of days between the two dates.

You can use also this method to find the number of days since a prior date.

For example, let’s find how many days are between May 15th and August 19th.

Step One: Break down the dates – the starting date is May 15th, the final date is August 19th, and the full months between these dates are June and July.

Step Two: find the days remaining in the starting month. There are 31 days in May, therefore:

31 – 15 = 16 days remaining

Step Three: find the number of days in the final month.

August 19th = 19 days

Step Four: find the number of days in each month between the start and end months.

June = 30 days
July = 31 days

Step Five: add it all up.

16 + 19 + 30 + 31 = 96 days

Thus, there are 96 days between May 15th and August 19th.

Method Two: Use Computer Software

You can use computer software such as Microsoft Excel to calculate the number of days between dates as well.

Microsoft Excel supports the DAYS function, which allows you to enter the two dates as arguments, and it will display the difference in days. Just type the following formula in a cell to find the difference between two dates:

DAYS(end_date, start_date)

Be sure to substitute your specific dates for the end_date and start_date in the formula above.

Method Three: Use an Online Calculator

The easiest method to calculate the number of days between two dates is to use our countdown timer or our time duration calculator. These don’t require any special software and can quickly find the number of days between two dates.

Of course, you can also use our time calculator to accomplish this task as well.

Days Until Date Calculator (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.