The Berkeley Gazette from Berkeley, California (2024)

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JKSittL X4L tetfCee BERKELEY DAILY GAZETTE Pen Women Town Council School Lunch Menu Secretaries i Book Guild MR AND MRS EARL SQUIRES a ar flung amilies Here for Reception WOMENS GIRLS YWCA Alpha Pi she is now married to John Har To Service ro dress up to high fashion with low down MATERNITY 8 to 38 to 48 el cerrito plaza WEEKEND SPECIALS jantzen Beautiful Mix 'n' Match all Selections Tops and Bottoms A99 and one to three hours ask attendants free parking for details LARSON'S BAKERY 6 RKE LED i STEEL Claudia Suzanne URNER Kathryn WRAY Priscilla Gail offers you a chance to meet others relax and develop new interests through classes clubs and forums Child care for pre schoolers Dr Velma Richmond will re view Morris books with' special emphasis on Shoes of the when she speaks before Berkeley Book Guild Thursday at 10:30 am at 2125 Center St but not Expensive "Instant American Republic Reservations may be arranged at the door or by calling Mrs Chris Baldo 3 Eton Court and the public is invited Berkeley Women's Town Coun cil will meet for noon luncheon Monday at the Berkeley YWCA 2134 Allston Way and to hear the Social Planning coor dinator Harold De Rolph speak on Services and Problems in De Rolph came here in ebruary from Toledo where he was that Council of Social Agencies research director Beginning its 21st year Town Council is headed this year by Mrs Berton Ballard Miss Anna Mahony vice chairman is in charge of luncheon arrange ments and Miss Barbara Arriving by jet plane from three continents the children of Mr and Mrs Earl Squires of Channing Way flew in from all parts of the globe to honor their parents at a reception on their golden wedding anniver sary The party held in the Lanai Room at the Hotel Claremont was planned and hosted by Mr and Mrs William Squires of Dhahran Saudi Arabia Mr and Mrs Robert Squires who jetted in from Nairobi Kenya East Africa stopping in New York to pick up their son Don ald at the private school he attends and the Rev and Mrs Clarence Stacy (E 1 a Squires) of King City who with their daughter Margaret had just returned from a European trip Married on August 2 1913 in Sacramento the Squires have spent all their married life in Berkeley Although both his sons are executives of oil companies Squires was an engineer now retired for the University of California His bride of 50 years ago was the former Ella Brug gere Greeting guests Mrs Squires wore a pink beige lace dress with a corsage of matching orchids Among the 100 friends and relatives who gathered to toast the couple on their anni versary were 87 year 6625 airmount Avenuo Opposite El Cerrito Plaza LA 4 7591 Evenins Appts Arranged Mrs Marnie Iverson sec ond vice president and public re lations representative of Berke ley Chapter National Secreta ries Assn (International) is a delegate today and tomorrow at the Northern Cali fornia Division Public Relations Meeting being held in Salinas at the Hyatt House Accompanying Mrs Iverson from the local chapter are Mrs Earliene Christiansen and Missi Julia ritz Th avorite Chocolate cake has been the favorite of the na tion for decades and our fudge cake is particularly appealing because It Isfrosted with a creamy delicious icing that blends perfectly with the cake to make eating a sheer delight the Glamour Wig OR INORMATION it Is 848 1882 or 2134 Allston Way on weekdays be really fashionable instantly at any time a siamour wig is the answer Over 60 organizations are rep resented in the group which is' open to women executives and' representatives of Berkeley or ganizations Oakland Three of brothers present with their families' were Harold Squires of Oakland Homer Squires of Nice Lake County rank Squires of Mo desto and a sister Mrs Esther Sandow of Mountain View A poem was adapted for her grandpar ents by Joan Squires Harrop daughter of the Robert Squires Graduated with honors from Stanford University last June riday Sepf 13 1963 Accessories Top Quality ashion Wigs Also Toupees and Hair PiecesMade to Order El CERRITO 120 El Cerrito Plaza SUNNYVALE 246 Parking Plaza SAN LEANDRO Bay View Shopping Center Specializing In Sizes 5 to 9 LOOK by Amid colorful autumn decor the East Bay Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae will host a co*cktail party Saturday Sept 21 from 5:30 Jo 9 pm at the home of Mr and Mrs Edward Dougery Sunnybrook Rd La fayette Music and hors will be featured at the poolside bene fit proceeds of which will go tfC to the East Bay Assn for Re tarded Children Kappa Scholar ships and the May Morrison Rehabilitation Center in San rancisco Mrs Donald Rolph Albany and Mrs Gordon Mills are handling arrangements Mrs Gretchen Gleim is in charge of awards and publicity is being handled by Mrs Ron Hart Al bany Mrs Jean Senor is decorations chairman Mrs Harold Jordan is food chairman and refresh ments chairman is Mrs William inlen Reservations east of the tun nel may be made with Mrs Gordon Mills 3585 Powell Drive Lafayette Mrs Ivan Sturman 7 Arlington Lane Berkeley is taking those west of the tunnel Invitations by the boxful are in the mail for the co*cktail party East Bay Kappa Kap pa Gamma Alumnae will host Saturday Sept 21 Seeing that everyone has been in vited are from left Mmes Ron Hart publicity Ivan Sturman reservations and Donald Rolph general chairman The affair benefits philanthropies The exciting new look is here and Jantzen plunges low to shape you up looking your loveliest Unique Spandex edged neckline clings to every curve as you move 1881 Solano Ave Berkeley 526 2485 Pan American Pan American annual President's Brunch will be Sunday at 9:30 am at the Lake Merritt Hotel in Oakland with Godfrey Harris of the US State Department speaking on Alliance of Brunch will honor Ida Ler vik founder of the Pan Ameri can Assn for her contribution to the entire Bay Area in organ izing the association as well as the Oakland City Club and the Oakland Inter national Hospitality Committee She is leaving this area soon to make her permanent home in the East Charmaine errera will ac company Miss Lee Silva in her program of Pan American mu sic Charles Ringo the presi dent will preside Harris the guest speaker is editor of the Almanac of Cur rent World Leaders and has au thored histories on ort Han The Club Rounduo I Ltlh''r!" 111 7 maternity shops Kappa Kappa Gamma ALLAN Catherine Macgregor BATESON Jean Elizabeth BEACH Alison de remery BIANCHI Nora Alessandra BLAKE Julianne Kay BRINKMAN Ellen Christina CARTER Sharon Ruth CAVALIER Carolyn Mae DORNIN Marie Estelle GAHAGAN Lissa Lynne GOOD George Ann GRANT Kathryn Marie HANSEN Barbara Jean KLINE Karen Leslie LYON Margaret Lee McCLURE Lyn PERRIN Terry Ann PETTUS Margaret Anne POST Linda SCHRIBER Ann Marte SINGLETON Kathleen Ann SPIEKER Roxanne WEBBER Mary Katherine WETHERBEE Martha Lynn WHITE Meredith Ann Phi Mu ABBOTT Larraine Diane ASLING Carol Jeanne BANDY Constance Karen BONDSHU Elizabeth COIT Joan Ellen COUCH Margaret Austin CURTIS Susan Crittenden DUBBELL Catherine Ann ORMAN Lynn Marie GOLDEN Bonnie Anne GUBERT Natalie HARWOOD Barbara Jean HAWLEY Pamela Ann HAYES Kathleen 1 HORNER Pamela loy LETT Mary Pat McCLENNEN Persia 7 ORDEMAN Donna Marie PONEDEL Alix Ann RAGER Mary Catherine RATCLI Mary Dorothy RICKETTS Carol Dianne ROBINSON Roxana Lee SALTER Wendy Lou STANGE Shirley Oline THOMPSON (Margaret) Anne WATERS Karen Lea WILSON Kathleen Marcia ZINTGRA Cheryl June Phi Sigma Sigma AUERBACK Sandra Jean 'RANKENSTEIN Rikki Ann REEMAN Barbara Rochelle OLSON Helene Marianne SAUNDERS Susan Elaine SIGGSON Beryl Mimi SOLAR Diana Lynn Pi Beta Phi 1 BRANT Karen Patriots BUDGE Daphne CIANCIARULO Claire Patricia CRIST Elizabeth DEY Ann Brookman DOLAN Virginia Bleecker RENCH Lisbeth GILLMOR Candace MANDIGO Cecile Ann McCOOK Ann Tudor PARDEE Carolyn PECK Suzanne Curtis PROCTER Ann Jefferson RAGAN Melynda Jane REESE Jennifer SEAWELL Lynn Louise SPILLER Susan Coates SWAORD Robyn Lee VAN SLAMBROUCK Susan Katherine WRIGHT Dorothy Jennifer YARBROUGH Sally ZACKER Toni Elizabeth ZEBROSKI Nancy Zoe Sigma Kappa ALVES Mary Patricia ANDREWS Linda Maureen CHRISTIANSON Lynne Elizabeth DOOR Diana Jeanne DRENNEN Diane LETCHER Shelby Ann GIBERSON Dorothy Lynne GRADY Nancy Kathleen Hannum Jill Catherine HELSEL Patricia Carolyn HUNAGEL Ann JOHNSON Gail Eloise LAW Sally Gilbert LOCATELL1 Barbara Louise McCLURE Janice Beverly McKELVEY Ellen Elizabeth ROTH Nancy A UNDERWOOD Sandra Gordon YOST Sandra Marie Zeta Tau Alpha BILLS Mary Annabel BIRD Marie Hazel COGNETTA Joan Diane CORBELLI Teresann Margaret DOUGHERTY Diane Lee ESTER Diane elice GUTMAN Carol Gay HARMAN Carole Sandra KELLY Joyce Vivian LASSEN Susan Elinor MEUX Jennifer Boone MILLER Barbara Louise MORTON (Carol) Renee PETERSEN Sherril Jean SEIBERT Michael Ann SMALLWOOD Patricia Diane SPENCER Barbara Jean TILLOTSON Meredeth WINTERS Maxine MONDAY Barbecued rankfurters Rice Buttered Green Beans Stuffed Celery Orange Half Buttered WW Bread Half Pint Milk TUESDAY Hamburger in Bun Potato Chips Tomato Wedges Buttered Peas ruit Gelatin with Half Pint Milk Alpha Gamma Delta JANES Regina Mary KNAUTH Beryl Dlxwelt KOLAR Judith Anne Ml LSTEAD Margaret Irvin SWANSON Sherry Ann URBAIS Dawn Karen co*ck Sandy Hook and Western Civilization as well as hnoks nn Piedmont Oakland Branch of Latin America and social sci the National League of Ameri ence He holds the Army Com can Pen Women will meet to mendation Medal and has been morrow at 1 pm for dessert analyst for the Office of Re luncheon at Jane home search and Analysis for the nuv iNorwooa Ave uaKiana The newest member poet Mary Child will read from her work Miss poetry has appeared in numerous mag azines including The Carmel Pine Cone Cymbal and Cats Magazine A combined executive and business meeting will follow the program WEDNESDAY Meat Ball Stew Cole Slaw Peach in Syrup Homemade Dilly Bread Half Pint Milk THURSDAY Pizzaburger Tossed Green Salad Buttered Corn Lemon Juice Bar Half Pint Milk RIDAY ish Sticks Cubed Potatoes Buttered Carrots resh Grapes Homemade Rolled Whole Wheat Bread Half Pint Milk old aunt Mrs Bessie Hendrixson of Monrovia and his cousin Theodore Hendrixson of Hemet Others included Mrs brothers and sisters and their families They were Col Wil liam Bruggere of South Laguna Beach Edward Bruggere of rop the British Diplomatic Berkeley Richard Bruggere of Service in Nairobi The poemresno Mrs Clifford Heidt of was distributed in scroll form resno and Ann Bruggere of to guests at the reception Their children came from three continents to host reception on their golden weddinq anniversary photo Speech Arts The Speech Arts Assn of Cali annual September Tea will be tomorrow from 2 4 pm in Room 401 of the Memorial Bldg 609 Sutter St San rancisco The tea is given each year to benefit the annual interpretive reading contest which the asso ciation sponsors for college stu dents Miss Henrietta Harris of the University of California Speech Arts Department will be Campbell secretary treasurer the guest artist speaking on the is taking reservations plays of George Bernard Shaw and presenting readings from the letters of Shaw and Dame Ellen Terry Miss Harris is a San Jose State graduate did her graduate work at UC and Stanford also studied at Juil liard School of Music on a Ro sehwald oundation scholarship and in Europe Mrs Viola rench president will head the reception line Or ganized 48 years ago Speech Arts Assn is composed of pro fessional teachers of the spoken word professional readers and actors 447 Are Pledged By UC Sororities Another successful rushing period completed 447 coeds on the rally Camous of the Universitv nf ralifnmin hav Another successful rushing period completed 447 coeds on the Anmnim I 1 i i i i vauipua ux uiu ui uamuLina nave oeen pledged Dy Panhellenic sororities Ribbon pledging at the 21 sorority houses earlier in the month followed the round of rushing events and tomorrow night from 8 to 10 pm parents and friends will be calling at the houses for traditional re Sents to greet the new pledges and meet their "sorority sisters ic fkr TMToeiA PlArTrfr list released today by the Col Delta Delta Delta lege Panhellenic Assn Alpha Chi Omega BEELBY Jane Alden I BENEDETTI Laurel Beth BOEGER Karen Linda BRENNAN Ruth Katherine CHENEY Dorothy Janet CURRIER Susan Vee Dalrymple Elizabeth Barkley DAVIDSOhl Andrea June ERIGERO Catherine Lucile ORSTER Kathryn Ann HARDY Margaret Ann HARGREAVES Annalee Elsa HUGHES Karen Lynn' JOHNSON Jeanette Ann KOCHER Patricia Gail' KRAVETSKY Valerie LAWYER Sherry Lu LEONARD Victoria Ann MORAN Barbara Jean MUENCH Susan Nani NOWLAND Judy REIERSGORD Kay Victoria RUSSELL Beverly Jean SMITH Janet Elizabeth SWAIN Penelope Alpha Delta Pi ADAMS JoAnn BARNECUT Nancy Lynn BOTTOR Marianne BRADLEY Mary Denise BURNS Terrie Elaine COY Judith Palmer si DETOY Sheila Ann ELLIOTT Louise GRIZZLE Carol Artalissa HAM Susan A JANES Maureen Elizabeth MELONS Gene Elizabeth MICHELOTTI Linda Marla MUHSELD Judy Ann PALMER Nan RASMUSSEN Judith Ann SALYERS Linda Lee SMITH Carol Jane SMITH Diana Lee SWIT Mary Louise THORPE Jamie Jenet WILORD Marguerite Claire Alpha Epsilon Phi BETTELHEIM Ann Elise i BLUMENELD Bonnie Phyllli BROWN Gloria Leslie BURG Bobbi Lee CHAPMAN Joan Ava COHODES Karen Jeanne COOPER Sandra Irene ELDSTEIN Nancy Eileen i RIED Barbara Gail I GOLDBERG Janet Bess GRODZINSKY Ellen Dale HAUSMAN Diane Lynn HERSH Nancy Lee JANGER Marsha Ann LIBERMAN Bette LITMAN Janet Ann MALTER Joan Ellen PLOTKIN Laura Marilyn REICH Suzyn SCHLESINGER Jill I SCHWARTZ Judith SHIMAN Hedi Arlene SIMON Lauri Jean STEIN Marilyn Loi STONE Linda Gay TYRE Partricia Ann WITTENBERG Linda Gayle WRIGHT Donna Lynn ZUCKERMAN Shirley Ann BLACK Kathleene Ann CANNON Janis De DIEMAR Nancy Lynn HARDEN Jacalee (Jaci) HILDRETH Mary Rita MARTIN Cynthia Ann MILLER Kathleen Nancy MUNDALL Kristina Lee MURPHY Barbara Lee PORTER Susan Jone RUSK Mary Ann RYAN Kathleen Mary SOEHRENS Donna Jane THOMSON Alane Mayhall TYLER Wendy WEIR Donna Wunderle WILLS Betty Sue Delta Gamma ASHE Marjorie Sue BEVAN Mary Elizabeth BRADORD Susan Lee CARLSON Sharon Lee CARLSON Susan Elise COLYEAR Karen Ruth DREW April Lundy GARY Susan Ann GERDES Barbara Jean HUTCHISON Christine Georgia IVERSON Karen Adelle KELSO Martha Jennifer MARBLE Leslie Elizabeth MILLS Sally Louise MOVIUS Alice Burton McADAM Eleanor Jane MclSAAC Nancy Genevieva PARKER Kathleen Ann PAULSON Anne PRENTICE Elisabeth Chambers RENWICK Patricia Ann SHEARER Laurel Ann SHIGLEY Belinda Catherlnt WISDOM Lynne Ruth Delta Phi Epsilon ABRAMS Linda Karen ARNOW Eleanor Joy BAIME Diana Ann BEER Jean Elizabeth BIGGERS Louise Harriet 1 BORTNEY Lindi Lee BRADY Hilary Bookey COHEN Elyse Merle i DANIEL Susan Margaret DAVIDSON Ruth Sandra DILLER Dianne Lynn ELMUS Marjorie Kogan ELSENTHAL Linda Louise ISHMAN Irene Harriet ISHMAN Ronnie Lee REEMAN Barbara Wendy GARINKLE Arleen Sue GILBERT Judith Arlene ISAACSON Elaine Joyce KURMAN Renee Phyllis KUSHNICK Beverly Jean LEVIEN Marion Jeanette MILLER Diana Lynn MINDLIN Sharon PALEY Patricia PREZANT Claire Marlene SCHONELD Joyce Hilde SERBER Lorraine Irene SMITH Marjorie Susan WELLER Sheila Joan Delta Zeta BLAGBORNE Sara Ann BROWN Cheryl Rae BURT Sharon Ann CHARLES Donna Jean CHRISTENSEN Cherie Ann COVELL Alice Eileen De PAOLI Susan Rose GILBERT Gretchen GRANT Nikki Sue HATCH Sara Stokes KIRK Mary Jane Grace MacCURDY Shelagh Jane NAEL Janis Lee PACK Sidney Kay PRI EST Barbara A THOLE Karen Lynne TIMOEI Annemarie WILSON Moyra Elizabeth WINKOWSKI Mariann Dolore Gamma Phi Beta BARRY Kathleen Chadwick BENAMATI Linda BENNETT Barbara Lee BLOCK Christine Ann BROCK Nancy Lois CHALBERG Constance Mary EDDY Sara Jane ERGUSON Kathleen Alden IELD Catherine GARD Christine Elisa GIBSON Gail Marian HARRIS Hester HATHAWAY Suzanne HOWARD Dee (Deanne Lynn) HURST Linda Lou HYNES Kathleen LARRABEE Lynn Rene MARKWART Elisabeth MOLL Heidi MULLEN Barbara Jane MYERS Janet Louise PHILLIPS Josephine Mary SAUNDERS MaryAnn STEEDMAN Katherine Chamberlain WRIGHT Dana Cherrington YEOMANS Jeannlne Mary Kappa Alpha Theta BICKERSTA Lynn BOONE Maria MacDonald COCHRAN Mary Lysbeth CRAVENS Martha Brenda CRAWORD Madeline Ann DEL MAR Diane Archer DOHENY Kathleen Clark EDWARDS Lauren Avery TARBORDT Anne HARDY Susan HORNE reya Alison HOUSTON Gladys Mary JANES Tanis Lee LITIN Maria LYTTLE lorence Christine MAYER Elaine Cecilia NELSON Alexandra Marla PIERCE Marcia Susan SELLMAN Elizabeth Brent SMITH Jacquelyn Claire STEPHENS Jacqueline Loupe VETETO Shirley Lula WALKER Katherine DIenthe Kappa Delta ALMQUEST Donna Lucille cl*t Shirley May DERSHEIMER Ann ERTESZEK Victoria Rosalind LETCHER Jaye rances ORBES Susan Jean RITZ Linda Claire GAGA Virginia Adele GREEN Marilee Teresa HANSEN Vivian Lucile HICKINGBOTHAM Heidi Dollar IVANETICH Ann Louise JONES Carol Ann JUKES Caroline Elizabeth KAVANAGH Maureen Paulette KENNEDY Judith Patricia MacDOUGALL Christine MILLAR Jane Carol MORRISROE Ann Elizabeth McCANDLESS Sandra Sprague NELSON Mary Alice OLSEN Christina Louise PEASE Marjorie Warren i POST Paulette Elizabeth PUCKETT Susan Elizabeth SCALES Sally Roper SORENSON Jill UNTIEDT Sonja Edda VAN NORMAN Nancy Gay WILES Raelee Joanne and every curve is beautifully contoured for firm shaping Elegant nylon lace A or cup in white $5 White embroidered cotton $395 ALMQUIST Penny Diane BOYL Kathryn Ruth CANCIENNE Bonnie Kay DEBELY Susan Jane DUNN Marilyn Rose GROPER Corinne Sue HAUGEN Karen HECTOR Catherine Ann KRIZ Traude Maria MAYERS Judith Ann MIKA (Kitty) Kathleen Sue MINOR Katherine Lynn McSHIRLEY Susan Ruth NOLAN Kathy Jean OLDEMEYER Kathleen PEPPARD Barbara Rae RAINES Linda Kay RANDALL Sandra Charlotte REGINELLI Judith Anne STAIR Nancy Helen STONER Joan Marie WILBERING JoAnn Alpha Phi BENT Margaret BRADY Linda Kathleen CARLSON Karen Elizabeth CLARK Carolyn Edith DONOGHUE Patricia Ann ISHER Elizabeth Page RANCIS Valerie Katherine HAAG Barbara Louise LIVINGSTON Marjorie Lynn MANSON Marcia aye McGEE Susan Helen OWINGS Pamela Jean POWELL Mary Julie 1 ROBBINS Amy ROSS Joan Barbara TOTTEN Julie Anne Alpha Xi Delta BELL Brenda Leigh CUYLER Jacqueline Lee ISCHER Julie Carole GLINES Patricia Belle JOHNSON Lynn Heather MORGAN Sheryl MORTENSEN Susan Jane NICOL Mary McNeil ORR Sandra Ellen Chi Omega BAKER Cynthia Jane BANNING Juliet Helen BURNS Mary Jane CLAPP Ann EBERT Janice Ann EDWARDS Marilyn GANT Kathryn Elizabeth GRAVES Lois Patricia HAAS Suzanne Barbara HAMPTON Barbara Jayne HEMINGTONM Carol HENES Marylynn KANERVA Carol Lynn LLOYD Lynne Lockett LUND Janie Lynette MANNING Joan Patricia I MORE Carol Ann MULVEY Mary Beth PIERSON Elizabeth Ann I POWERS Diana Lynn I RODGERS (Mary) Jean ROSS Nancy Marylyn SAYRE Sandra STARK Susan Joyce MS i 1 1 afefc ML llll CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 17TH if 16th year In Kensington wav 399 STUDIO BALLET MODERN JAZZ (Taught by a Professional 'Dancer as a Creative Activity) 48 Ardmore Road One Block rom Arlington Ave urther Information LA 5 4011 LA 7 0300 I wX'V'Xv 'r: I Jlwlu 6 RKE LED.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.