The Van Nuys News and Valley Green Sheet from Van Nuys, California (2024)

A A A 14-B-Van Nuys (Calif.) NEWS Thursday, May 15, 1958 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES (Van Nuys News-66874) 3068 14367 Lanark St. Inspec- J. Thompson, Louise Buckley, Junkin, Joan D. Vitale, Dem. NOTICE BY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS tor, Mary J.

Terry, Judge, Eliza- Rep. 4116- Garage. 16000 Tulsa St. InOF NAMES OF PRECINCT OFFI- beth A. Cowles, Clerks, Lois M.

8504 Burnet Ave. Inspec- Dorothy Millor, Judge, CERS APPOINTED AND POLLING Rogers, Nannette Wilson, tor, Flossie Larremore, Dorothy M. De Rosa. Clerks, PLACES DESIGNATED FOR THE Marjorie Rodrigues, Rep. Judge, Margaret A.

Prado, Mollie H. Russell, Elaine E. DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION 3069-Garage. 14661 Blythe St. In- Clerks, Frances Sahroian, Edith Beaudion, Eva A.

Knight, Dem. AND FOR OTHER ELECTIONS spector, Marcia G. Thompson, Karels, Hazel M. Burnett, Rep. 8140 Willis Ave.

InspecCONSOLIDATED THEREWITH. Judge, Ruth A. Welton, Clerks, 8297-Office, 7740 Balboa Blvd. In- tor, Elizabeth M. Beitzer, Judge, Pursuant to the Statutes Registrar of the State Alice J.

Taylor, Francis A. spector, Loretta G. Christ, Daisy M. Sheckles, Clerks, Alva of California, the of Voters Flury, Thelma A. Biggy, Rep.

Judge, Alma R. Beals, Clerks, F. Schultz, Joy Favour, of Los Angeles County does hereby de- 14832 Saticoy St. Inspec- Bessie T. Brothers, Ida Ecke, Betty J.

Swanson, Rep. clare the names of Precinet Officers tor, Kathryn W. Curtis, Judge, Virginia G. Harding, Rep. 4119- 14068 Van Nuys Blvd.

appointed for the and. Direct Polling Primary Places Election. desig- Jennie Moorehouse, Clerks, Lul- 8298- B. 15849 Stage St. Inspec- Judge, Waunita Inspector, Inez James, Judge, nated lie J.

Perolio, Fern P. Farrington, tor, Maxine Morgan, M. Eaton, Clerks, Jessie The same Precinct Officers will serve Bernice I. McAmis, Rep. Jane A.

Allen, Clerks, Sophie A. S. Gagnic, Anne Argott, for the Municipal Water District Elec- Boyden, Margaret Donaldson, Margaret M. Biffle, Rep. tions, and the Registrar of Voters of Nina Rear, 14603 Valerio St.

Janette Nelson, Dem. 13780 Glamis St. InspecLos Angeles County does hereby pub- Inspector, B. Whitney, 3299-School, 15810 Saticoy St. In- tor, Janice R.

Factor, Judge, lish the names of the Precinct Officers Judge, Fern L. Mackay, Clerks, spector, Letha' M. Arnold. No Party; Shirley Getlin, Clerks, Martha appointed and Polling Places desig- Iona Brown, No Party, Lura J. Brown, Judge, Lola V.

Fitzgerald, Clerks, Schauben, Vera S. Dean, nated for each election precinct for Mary A. Murphy, Dem. Hallye F. Hoover, Lorraine Wil- Irene Elsner, Dem.

the Direct Primary Election; Municipal 3072 -Garage, 15127 Runnymede St. liams, Jeannette R. Yoffie, Dem. 15215 San Jose St. InWater District Elections, or any other Abbie Inspector, Henrickson, Hattie B.

Roof, Judge, 3300- 7417 Orion St. Inspector, spector, Mary Jane Speer, Judge, elections ordered consolidated with any Clerks, Thea Mabel M. Hunter, Judge, Jean- Nancy Ann Mitchell, Clerks, of the foregoing elections to be held W. Hagans, Jean T. Colombo, nette 1.

Riess, Clerks, Jasmine Naurine Ferguson, Margaret V. on June 3, 1958. Mary F. Milbrand, Dem. G.

Erskian, Maudette Banks, Musgrave, Marie L. Stevens, LOS ANGELES CITY 7257 Hazeltine Ave. In- Hilda H. Brown, Rep. Rep.

2465-Garage, 10461 Haskell Ave. spector, Ella Baxter, Judge, 15732 Leadwell St. In- 10328 Lemona Ave. InInspector, Sophie F. Matye, Nettie M.

Helm, Clerks, Thomas, Mary spector, Kate A. Tunnell, Judge, spector, Helen Smith, Judge, Judge, Marguerite Pearl, Clerks, E. Thielman, Reva L. Dolores Wright, Clerks, Sharon Edna B. Dunlap, Clerks, Maxine Norma Bernard, Carolyn R.

Margaret E. Hansen, Ave. Rep. M. Wergeland, Carolyne M.

G. Deese, Dorothy B. Wight, Matye, Dorothy R. Padgett, Rep. 9956 Collett Inspec- Sidell, Eileen I.

Vanderpool, Virginia C. Hendricks, Dem. 8021 Langdon Ave. In- tor, Betty Newman, Judge, Rita Dem. 16434 Gilmore St.

Inspecspector, Jo Ann Lamar, Judge, Lichtenstein, Clerks, Mary Jo 7515 Hayvenhurst Ave. tor, Betty L. Conde, Judge, Erma Marie Channing, Clerks, Tracy, Cecelia A. Nonno, Inspector, Mary E. Maryon, Clara Johnson, Clerks, Anne Claudine R.

Wilson, William L. Phyllis E. Scott, Rep. Orion Judge. Henrietta Jertberg, Marie Wheeler, Patricia R.

MeFahey, Michelle Oden, Dem. 9561 Ave. Inspec- Clerks, Juanita B. Baker, Alice Lin, Judith Plamondon, Dem. 15540 Septo St.

Inspec- tor, Adelia E. Rendall, Dem: Judge, R. Ekblad, Dolores F. Neuhaus, 16814 Rinaldi St. Inspector, Edythe Greenberg, Judge, Muriel Zielinski, Clerks, Marie Rep.

tor, Juana R. Rinde, Judge. Elizabeth L. McCarthy, Clerks, Thom, Eleanor Marie L. Muhleman, 7331 Forbes Ave.

Inspec- Doris Marie Doherty, Clerks, Phyllis M. Levy, Mildred Bris- K. Gebhardt, Dem. tor, Alice E. Michky, Judge, Harriet C.

Hanson, Charlotte E. ken. Ora Mae Eder, Dem. 8840 Balboa Blvd. In- Madeline V.

Dugan, Clerks, M. MacLure, Grace Wilson, Dem. 2476 15814 Rayen St. Inspec- spector, Mary L. Judge, Alberta Smith, Rose J.

Vackar, 16526 Simonds St. InWarne, tor, Mildred Ann Kubler, Mildred E. Lockard, Clerks, Joan B. Reynolds, Rep. spector, Evelyne M.

Viel, Judge, Judge, Theresa Sue Schweizer, Josephine S. Sellers, Anita 6854 Forbes Ave. Inspec- Arleen A. Calvert, Clerks, JeanClerks, Mable Le Gros, Lorene Hannah, Esther M. Bohman, tor, Eleanor Fairweather, Judge, nette M.

Brunsvold, Martha J. Lasater, Genevieve E. Slattery, Dem. Harriet A. Williams, Clerks, Rusk, Prudence C.

Elliott, Dem. Rep. 16336 Chase St. Lillie Inspector, Frances N. Goens, Helen J.

10141 Halbrent Ave. 14720 Chase St. Inspec- Ruth Wilber, Judge, Ruth La E. Bakken, Edith Bourdeau, Dem. spector, Gwen L.

Smith, Judge, tor, Jo Ann Patrykus, Judge, Hoback, Elaine Clerks, Lockwood, M. 7053 Valiean Ave. In- Louise D. Melville, Clerks, Ruby Leah Moran, Clerks, Avice T. Salvia, Rep.

spector, Virginia L. Arvan, I. Matye, Olympia S. Jarka, Reiterman. Cora S.

Altman, 9026 Woodley Ave. In- Judge, Dorothy M. Plunkett, Hazel E. Michaelis, Dem. Dem.

Marian E. Smith, No Party. spector, Clara A. Haven, Judge, Clerks, Marianne R. Hennek, 4143 10038 Saloma Ave.

9841 Noble Ave. Inspec- Blanch A. Bendel, Clerks, Helen V. Lois K. Swan, Janet M.

Karri- spector, Eileen S. Sadlier, Judge, Mary tor. Edith Y. Poe, Judge, Goldie A. Zimmerman, gan, Dem.

Ruth L. Rogers, Clerks, Jeanne Wells, Clerks, Lexie R. Kramer, Demarest, 9139 Ruth Langdon Lagergren, Ave. Rep. In- 16252 Wyandotte St.

In- Ritemour, Nancy L. Devenport, Monica G. Alves, Martha spector, Ruth M. Schumacher, Frances V. Nubbe, Dem.

A. Ewing, Dem. spector, Mary L. Phillips, Judge, Judge, Helen W. Wharton, 4144-Res.

14524 San Jose St. 10808 Columbus Ave. In- Anita V. Fulton, Itha L. Lucille Clerks, Ruby I.

Howell, Julia L. spector, Lo Rae L. Shaw, Judge, Clerks, spector, Mildred M. Hamman, K. Lovestedt, Burks, Meyers, Pauline R.

McClain, Cele Freifield, Clerks, Mary B. Judge, Pauline M. Dunnigan, Eugenia L. Wascher, In- Dem. Guy, Muriel J.

Simbro, Dem. Clerks, Fern W. Kiel, Lucile L. 3107-School, I. 8817 Striegel, Langdon Ave.

3346 Studio, 16000 Sherman Way. Barbara K. Champion, No Party. Podoll, Wilma F. Shofstall, Dem.

spector, Agnes Clerks, Judge, Inspector, Nancy W. Geer, 4145-School, 9757 Beachy Ave. 15111 Hiawatha St. In- Constance Dembke, Dorothy Zemba, Judge, Emma Busby, Clerks, spector, La Vaughn C. Dyer, spector, Lorena G.

Dague, Judge, leen Borwick, M. Helen Harrison, Catherine K. Judge, Frances M. O'Connell, Elizabeth B. Prout, Clerks, Helen Ethel Henderson, Rep.

Knight, No Party, Doris Bunneau, Dem. Clerks, Irene L. Loeser, Beryl S. L. Stewart, Margaret A.

O'Con- 11001 Marklein Ave. In- 6949 Peach Ave. Inspec- Gilruth, Thelma E. Ramsowr, nor, Ann E. Powell, Rep.

spector, Glorian H. Beeson, tor, Viola G. Johnston, Judge, Dem. 2482-Garage, 13952 Daventry St. In- Judge, Dorothy M.

Seder, Clerks, V. James R. Davis, Clerks, Emma 9159 Wakefield Ave. Judge, spector, Hazel Dorothy Belle Krikorian, Curtin, Dem. June Grieve, D.

Andrews, Clara E. Mabel Weinerman, C. Ethel Barker, Grace Carbinier, spector, Unavine Nicholson, H. Clark, Rep. Judge, Sadie L.

Ward, Clerks. Clerks, Mary M. Freelove, Emma Rep. 15632 Simonde St. 6621 Densmore Ave.

In- Evelyn Keeler, Helen L. Halm, Searcy, Beatrice Kloppen- BD1 K. spector, Ramona B. Foster, Mildred I. Ecord, Rep.

burg, Dem. Inspector, Anne Niklas, Clerks, Judge, Blanche B. Malone, Clerks, 13862 Bonanza St. 9625 Gullo Ave. Inspec- Judge, Joan S.

Newman, Zudora Hill, Beatrice G. Pickel, tor, Sylvia Abraham, Judge, tor, Kathryn R. Wilson, No Party: Nona Y. Harbison, Bonnie M. Bette L.

Martin, Rep. Carine B. Halajian, Clerks, Judge, Elizabeth R. Hagan, Dahleen, Valerie C. Gonsor, Rep.

3349-Rear 16012 Hart St. In- Sonia Plutzer, Suzanne ClerClerks, Marion J. Adam, Ruth BD2 3146 15651 Simonds St. spector, Stella M. Hanson, Dem.

mont, Dorothy Tatar, Dem. C. Powers, Patricia Layne, Dem. Inspector, Nora M. McCullah, Judge, Florence Lee, Clerks, 14359 Cohasset St.

7012 Katherine Ave. In- Judge, Helen Werner, Clerks, Loretta Amstutz, Cecelia D. spector, Virginia M. Brandy, spector, Ann N. Loudenslager, Lola Y.

Chang, Gwen R. Sylves- Auten, Eileen Klepek, Rep. Judge, Lucille M. Bernardi, Judge, Eileen Loeffler, ter, Ada J. Dress, Rep.

6557 Ruffner Ave. In- Clerks, Alice Lamare, Lillian Clerks, Reba P. Garrick, Mildred 14743 S. Hagar St. In- spector, Dorothy Y.

Riegel, Dem. Dribben, Bessie G. Stettner, Dem. P. Fos6, Stella L.

Stockinger, spector, Maria B. Westland, Judge, Virginia A. O'Brien, 14780 Alexander St. InRep. Judge, La Marjorie Schmiedt, Ger- Clerks, Rose E.

Carlson, Doro- spector, Vivian Santangelo, Dem. 2531-Play 14301 Vanowen St. Clerks, Vonne E. Kelley, Bearce, thea F. Tansey, Bernice Schwartz, Judge, Joyce M.

Schmidt, Clerks, Inspector, Naomi R. Winteregg, aldine Meagher, Lorene Dem. Margaret B. Ward, Eleanore K. Judge, Elva Winteregg, Clerks, Dem.

6741 Odessa Ave. Inspec- Clodfelter, Ola Mae Carter, Dem. Edna B. Pratt, Louise B. Leppe, Lorraine 14752 Maclay Judge, tor, Jeanette K.

O'Donnell, 11010 Arleta Ave. InSt. Berneta G. Owen, Rep. tor, R.

La Belle, Judge, Reva L. Williams, Clerks, spector, Blanche M. Francis, 14263 Kittridge St. In- Adeline P. Lee, Clerks, J.

Arlene Ella C. Bahni, Mary W. Alex- Judge. Valeria Brochtrup, spector, Pearl M. Binford, Clerks, Judge, House, Barickman, Rose Dem.

B. Johann, ander, Zella R. Ogden, Dem. Clerks. Grace P.

Carey, Jacquie Rachel L. Dungey, Min- Joan In- 6746 Valjean Ave. In- J. Cavanaugh, Lois R. Mathias, nie K.

Davis, Evelyn K. Harris, Charlotte 14945 Wolfskill St. spector, Ellen D. Long, Judge, Dem. Lillian E.

Muehlenkamp, Dem. spector, Tilt, Judge, Agnes Shipp. Clerks, Edna R. 4175-Ree. 14325 Corcoran St.

In2533-School, 6464 Sylmar Ave. In- Marilyn M. Liebling, Clerks, Peterson, Tena B. Miller, Mary Myers, Judge, spector, Doris E. Knowlton, Ruth D.

Meriaux, Ruth M. Mat- Florence E. Wilson, Dem, Margie F. Hess. Clerks, Dorospector, Judge, May S.

Waltermire, thiesen, Mary Alice Gilbert. Rep. 3353 6430 Gaviota Ave. In- thy F. Harris, Beverly A.

WalClerks, Hattie B. Person, Helen 11211 Amboy Hildebrant, Ave. In- spector, Edith M. Russell, Judge, ters, Etta Tso, Dem. P.

Daugherty, Ora S. De Vore, spector, Eunice L. Helyn Hall, Clerks, Alice Stark, 13901 Desmond St. InRep. Blvd.

In- Judge, Clerks, Evelyn Carpenter, Party; Isabel Winifred M. Winston, spector, Judy M. Cuneo, Judge, P. No 14322 Victory Cora E. Parra, Mary Helen Melvin, Rep.

Ruth S. Bowlus, Clerks, spector, Irene B. Taylor, Judge, Frias, Margarita Somner, Dem. 6448 Blucher Ave. InDorothy Nielsen, Clerks, E.

11183 Tamarack Ave. spector, Grace L. Carlton, Judge, M. Jeanette Boss, A. Olsen, Gladys Mott, Bertha M.

Ethel A. Martie, Inspector, Helen M. Zeimantz, Alberta D. Condon, Clerks, Rep. Mabel Clark, 4177-Garage, 10881 Tamarack Ave.

Lucille A. Carr, Dem. Judge, Donalda R. Graff, Clerks, Evelyn C. McMillen, Doris E.

Rosalie C. Bishop, Sylvan St. Lois J. Berg. Lou Anderson, Rogers, Elsie H.

Matt, Dem, Inspector, Lois Zelma E. Redfern, Mary Sue Langham, Rep. 6213 Peach Ave. Inspec- Judge, Juliette Ritchie, Clerks, Inspector, M. Trentham, Mary L.

Judge, F. Fay Schumacher, Rep. 3152 School, 10975 Telfair Ave. In- tor, Margaret M. Lombardo, McGill, Flossie C.

Torgerson, Clerks, Minnie G. White, Inez L. spector, Henrietta Henson, Frances V. Sincomb, Dem: Dem. Lehman, E.

Maude Lowe, Rep. Judge, Winifred C. Tondorf, Clerks, Roma Crudt, Caroline A. 4181-Rear 9200 McLeman Ave. tor, Margaret M.

Hilton, Judge, E. Barrows, Helen P. Fordice, 6513 Aqueduct Ave. In- Judge, Jeanne Schultz, Clerks, Cora V. Hodges, Clerks, Clara Rep.

pector, Marie H. Bair, Judge, Helen 14307 Delano St. Clerks. Ruth L. Carr, Annabel De Ment, Dorothy C.

Rice, Dem. Inspector, Barbara J. Gustafson, J. Belosic, Thelma Jane E. Burke, Billie Lutz, 3167-Garage, 9844 Noble Ave.

In- Marlys C. McFarlane, Clerks, Olson, La Vonne E. Schlosser, Vada Fulbright, Dem. St. spector, Ardis.

D. Leistikow, Dorothy E. Shufelt, Dorothy Rep. 14142 Calvert Judge, Judge, Barbara Angela H. Boehm, Lor- Donahue, Catherine P.

Boal, 16543 Lassen St. InspecInspec- E. O' Rourke. tor, Lou Belle Geraldine Pringle, M. Ball, Clerks, Lois raine Clerks, P.

Narvell, Barbara Bald- Dem. tor. Lulu Prosser, Judge, E. Seeger, Hazel G. Fox, win, Dem.

spector. Betty A. Dahl. Judge, Dorothy R. No 6435 Whitman Ave.

In- Margaret M. Byrne, Dem. Clerks, Ella Mar 2538-Store, Parker, 14557 Rep. St. In- Gertrud Dorothy Rygh, Clerks, Ann E.

Smith, Elizabeth R. Pixler, Dem. 10057 Noble Ave. InspecKlein, Party, Luella E. Calvert tor, H.

Murphy, Mildred Schickler, Joan Mayer, spector, Monica Weaver, Clerks, Judge, Mildred Ableson, Lois Clerks, Alice R. Strickland, Rep. 4183-School, 15848 Stare St. InspecEmma Lena P. A.

Jordan, tor, Virginia D. Williams, Judge, McBride, Clampett, 3358- 6442 Hayvenhurst Ave. Bertha W. Hayes, Clerks, Alma Stratton, Velia C. Diaz, Lorraine G.

Roark, Dem. Inspector. Marilyn E. Burns, G. McKowan, Patricia J.

Irma L. Brown, Dem. 9979 Bordeaux Ave. In- Judge, Libbie K. Jacobson, Comeau, Orlene M.

Alberty, Rep. 14653 Sylvan St. spector, Margaret J. Rukavina, Clerks, Ruth J. Vilarino, De- 15515 Lemarsh St.

Intor, Madalyne Weyrauch, Cozad, Clerks. Judge, J. Judge, Mildred Sylvia Caffery, Norma Clerks, L. borah Winitsky, Carol J. Ride, spector, Alice M.

Holm, Ratie C. Myrtle B. Bertolotti, M. Droste, Margaret I. Sturgis, Rep.

Layne Shannon, Clerks, Maude Judge, Lorraine Dickey, K. Dem. 3413-Rear 15140 Vose St. In- A. Sandstoe, Louise F.

Lively, ler, Marie Moore, St. Inspector. Dem. 14319 Lorne St. Inspector, spector, Beulah E.

Johns, Dem. Judge, Ruth M. Kalantar, Rep. 14762 Friar Winifred Betty A. Leora V.

Kennedy, Clerks, Rosa- 14136 Gain St. Ella K. Morrow, Clerks, Helen Grey Betty J. Buss, H. Morton, lie Walter, Dorothy J.

Gano, Alice Stein, Judge, Barbara A. Judge, Judge, Inspector, O'Keefe, Greenelsh, Reina B. Hanson, Sinzy Clerks, Wight, Regina Dolores Marvel Y. Fisher, Rep. Brown, Clerks, Eileen Ridout, Marjorie 14940 Hartland St.

In- Elizabeth M. Harding, VicEdward G. Hanson, Rep. M. Bojorquez, Dem.

spector, Leonora P. Dahlman, toria T. Shane, Dem. Reed, 14958 Judge, Esther E. tor, Hanson, Judge, Judge, Mildred H.

Harris, Dem. 4193-Garage, 10916 Ruffner Ave. Friar St. Inspector, 15126 Burton St. InspecDollie R.

Clerks, Edna S. Voorheis, Barbara Christine M. Barich, Clerks, Vir- Clerks, Marie D. Finn, Mar- Inspector, Twila J. Koch, Judge, Willey, Finkel, garet J.

Kennedy, Anne Appell, Kathleen C. Bain. Clerks, Kath. Myrtle I. Montandon, ginia Bergeron, Bell Dem.

erine Easley, Annette F. CimagEvelyn Melching, Rep. Haynes St. Inspec- Waunita J. Cantara St.

In- 3415-Rear 7101 Willis Ave. lia, Leila M. Pardee, Rep. Kriens. Dem.

14659 Lela 15225 Inspector. Ann M. Brumbaugh, 16851 Chatsworth St. Intor, Florence Davis, Judge, spector, Virginia R. Ives, Judge, Judge, Marjorie M.

Bischoff, Dem. spector, Donice D. Benedict, E. Underwood, Clerks, Pauline Cleva M. Martin, Clerks, La Clerks, Anna S.

Fixa, Dorothy Judge, Terttu L. Bertell, Clerks, Schwartz, Christine E. Poole, Myra M. Sumner, Margaret C. A.

Vogel, Edith M. Kennedy, Doris J. Garabedian, Edith Mae Vessie Bouley, Rep. In- Perry, Willie Saticoy St. Dem.

Phillips, Patricia M. Gilman, V. Roberta, Rep. 6915 Judge, Claude Rear, A. Thomas, 14248 Vanowen St.

In- Rep. Vesper Ave. 14955 spector, Emma Gerling, Inspector, spector, Esther E. McGlasson, 16126 Blackhawk St. InGeorge E.

Boysen, Clerks, Mary Judge, Effie M. Miller, Clerks, Judge, Mabel E. King, Clerks, Lilly A. Leifson, Judge, R. Lee, Dem.

Susan Hucko, Maribah G. Carter, Vera J. Martha E. Garber, Ina M. Hermia spector, Joanne M.

Roots, Dem. Logan, Rose Z. Arthur, Dem. A. Sparks, Clerks, Cusick.

Lillie B. Ober, Rep. Marilyn A. Delaney, Katherine 14760 Lemay St. Inspec- Daisy 15239 Covello St.

Inspec- 3417- Rear, 6654 Murietta Ave. G. Kacher, Jean S. Goeka, Rep. tor, Emma Breuer, Frances G.

tor, Audrey Karolina Clerks, Martha Inspector, Ethel H. Kygar, 4196 School, 15850 Tulsa St. InspecJudge, K. Marsik. Judge, L.

Kollet, Clerks. Lambert, H. Cur- Judge, Nellie S. Jackson, Clerks, tor, Mary T. Rogers, Judge, Albrecht, Helen Bolt, D.

Garberich, Margaret Janet R. Osgood. Catherine F. Doris McKenna, Clerks, Maxine Marie D. Ley, Dem.

ran. Glennie D. Everett, Dem. Mosher, Margaret K. Burke, L.

Clausen. June C. Lawrence, 2545 Rear, 6606 Aqueduct Ave. 3241- Re 13927 Terra Bella St. Dem.

Annette M. Velardo. Dem. Inspector. Frances L.

Manning. Dem. Inspector, Celia L. Lasky, Judge, 6549 Ranchito Ave. In- 15663 Chatsworth St.

InJudge, Doris I. Creager, Clerks, Mary E. Friend. Clerks, Lillian spector, Cecelia Frost, Judge, spector, Wilma J. Brown, Judge, Elise G.

Owens. Patsy R. Soffer, Dorothy V. Zaring, Nellie E. Schmidt, Clerks, Mar- Frances M.

La Berteaux, Clerks, 'Bryant, Helen V. Hultman, Ida Levin, Dem. jorie L. Huston, Miriam W. Gil- Jean Donson, Beverly A.

Mathis, Dem. 3242 14143 Gain St. Inspector, bert. Ada B. Pierson, Rep.

Sophie L. Sulier, Dem. 2546-Garage, 15625 Haverkampf, Melinda M. Heiser, Clerks, Joan Rapp. 3419 14035 Gilmore St.

Inspec- 10618 Orion Ave. InspecHart St. In- Judge, Anne spector, Alta Clerks, J. De Troia, tor. Ruth H.

Mollett, Judge, tor. Joan M. Freeman, Judge, Judge, Hilda Maurer, Carrie E. King, Josephine Elizabeth A. Shannon, Clerks, Reba P.

Kramer, Clerks, Marie Gladys M. Rutter, B. Margaret Rep. Pastore, Dem. In- Edna L.

Schultz, Elizabeth G. A. Memberto, Thea P. Johnson, L. M.

Schultz. Leah Willeuts, 9487 Canterbury Ave. Stuart. Harriet M. Subject, Rep.

Edith O. Masucci, Dem. Rainey, 14545 Hart Judge, Inspector, spector, Rosalie B. Vermeulen, Clerka, 13918 Sylvan St. Inspec- 8939 Sophia Ave.

InspecSt. Lovella N. Clerks, Doro- Sherry Miller, Gloria J. tor. Martha L.

Buchan, Judge, tor, Elaine B. Richards, Judge, Judge, thy M. Friedt. Helen Beverly A. Silverman, Bessie T.

Ford, Clerka, Lois H. M. Snyder, Clerks, IrmBeard, Olivina R. Johnson, Allison, Donnette Nair. Rep.

In- Oatey, Patricia Wade, gard Alyce 13945 Osborne St. Kathryn C. Wagner, Dem. ing. M.

Snyder, Marilyn B. Smith, Mary C. Dem. ReadMargaret M. Slezak, Rep.

Inspector. G. Barber, spector, Eleanor H. Maile, Clerks, 13836 Calvert St. Inspec- 15842 Chase St.

Inspector, 2548-Rear, 14826 Wyandotte Judge, St. Geraldine Earls, Ellenor B. Robertson, Gretchen tor. Lula B. Axelrod.

Judge, Evelyn E. Phillips, Judge, Ruth Judge, Evelyn M. Catherine M. Wheeler, Muriel K. Diutch, Clerks, Vivian Polakow, Clerks, Sonia C.

Evans, Clerks, Mildred Culotta, Tillie A. B. Lawler, Jeanette Claycamp, Meyerson, Dell Yankosky, Catherine B. Brumagin, Peters, Marjorie 15500 In- Dem. In- Lillian Louthan.

Rep. Helene S. Adelson, Dem. L. Bilek, Rep.

2549-Garage, Leadwell St. 13849 Montague St. 14202 Victory Blvd. In- 15050 Bassett St. Insneespector, Theodore S.

Hansen, spector, Rose Milstein, Judge, N. spector, Betty Ross Clarke, tor. Kathleen R. Morgan, Judge, Judge, Rolland F. Davis, Clerks, K.

Marie L. Sitko, Clerks, Joyce Judge, Margaret H. Hanger, Helen Rand, Clerks. Marilyn M. Velma B.

Holst, Margaret Fischman, Opal E. Hurley, Clerks, Helen B. Shoff, Twila Alder. Berna B. Stelson, John C.

Nelson. Rep. Miriam C. Rubenstein, Dem. Marie J.

Seal, Mathews. St. Inspec- Ave. Gray. Rep.

Beverly B. Withrow, Rep. 15342 Rear, 8818 6600 Lemona Ave. In- 4262-- 14855 Archwood St. InLemac Snowden tor, Gracie Guske, A.

Brown, Judge, Inspector, Frances W. Summe, spector, Mary A. Bixler, Judge. spector, Katherine M. Meyer, Loes Adarel S.

Dow. Edythe Clerks. R. Barker, Mary Judge, Evelyn Gloria M. Carroll, Tigue, Leona Clerks, L.

Edith C. Amstutz, Clerks, Marie Judge, Marie G. Thomas, Clerks, Johnson, Rep. Steinhardt, Nadine McBlaine, V. Petersen, Rep.

Helen Stuart, Hazel L. Good Knight, Nellie Rita 15030 Marson St. In- Sybil Martz, McGreanor. Nelle K. Karli.

Rep. C. 2551-Garage, Rep. Ave. 14853 Victory Blvd.

In- 9339 N. Haskell Ave. InAnector, Eunice E. Pritchard, Clerks, 3256-- Rear, 9064 Costello spector, Neita G. Hobbs, Judge, spector, Veneta M.

Woodward. Judge, Helen C. Dingler, Susanna L. Inspector, Ethel G. Mead, Clerks, Judge, Mary V.

Nicholson, Clerke, Judge, Marie C. Howard. Clerks. Louise H. Thomas, Georgene M.

Carlson. Marie Edwards, Clara 1. Dahlen, Virginia R. Helen G. House, Carney, Marvena S.

Mary B. Arnerich, Margaret J. Miriam R. Bone, Rep. Nessamar, Madeline L.

Coy. Dem, 16209 Valerio St. Kohlmeyer, Dorothy E. Wood- 6236 Halbrent Ave. In- Dem.

2552-Rear Varnum. ward. Rep. In- spector, Tommie E. Keebne, 4285-Garage.

9357 Kester Ave. Inspector. Gladys G. 3257 14665 Vincennes St. Judge, Betty L.

Edwards, Clerks, M. Dillard. Clerks, spector, Irene Brezina, Judge, spector, Bettie Lou MacGregor, Judge, Ann Laurabelle Cox, Doro- Antoinette Marunich, Marion Judge, Adella G. Lewis. Clerks.

Irene H. Cuffel, Johanna Flannery, Clerks. Jenman. Kaspar Burgi, Dem. E.

Cuny, Dem. thy Frick, Mary Ann Skaggs, In- Mildred M. Jackson, Esther Valerio St. Inapec- 10938 Forbes Ave. mondo, Lorraine Macino, No Isabelle 2553 Doris L.

Moe, Rep, spector, Marjorie L. Crump, 15916 tor. Carola June M. Lang, P. Shirer, Clerks.

Ethel Judge, S. 3258. 9227 Noble Ave. Inspec- Judge, Judge, Willie Mae Schultz, Party, 14721 Labrador St. InElizabeth F.

Moore, tor. Eddie Fay Streutker, Garrett, Clerks, Clerks, Betty Henson, Dorothy V. spector, Helen P. Pontani, Burdick, Dem. Dorothy E.

B. Salagi, Elsie Plise, Dem. Judge, Dorothy G. Biederman, Edythe Krajeir, Gothic Ave. Inspec- Margaret A.

Sibley, Retty 15742 Vintage St. In- Clerks, Jane R. Black, Jean L. 2554- 6944 Judge, Vir- Krohn, Iva B. Pettit, Ave.

Rep. spector, Phyllis P. Bratcher, Rep. Hogan, Patricia R. tor, Betty M.

J. Columbia, Steeber, Clerks, Enid 8806 Willis Inspec- Judge, Judge. Rosalee Matchett, Clerks, Cruger, Dem. S. ginia Skala, Catherine B.

May, tor, Florence Ida D. Blosser, Erringten, Clerks, Stella Erlene M. Shinneman, Arlene E. 4310- 16646 Lahey St. InspecA.

Johnson, Rep. Richter, Van Brunt, Anita E. Daniel, tor, Leona M. Broussard, Judge, Betty 16200 Haynes St. Inspec- J.

Nelson, Margaret H. Dem. Mary M. De Mario, Clerks, MarCreighton. Judge, Agnes Kiseskey, In- 6428 Woodley Ave.

In- garet J. Affleck, Olga R. T. Rep. tor, Hazel C.

Clerks, 3260 8821 Wakefield Ave. spector, Esther Ross, Judge, Spreuer, Eleanor L. Gaines, Dem. spector, Genevieve J. Schultz, D.

Beaty. Clerks, Sarah Marjorie Quinn, Ave. G. Dem. Shirley J.

Williams, Jeanne F. Judge, Helen V. Dunning, Rapoport, Frances E. Else, Inspector, 11201 Monogram Loomis, 6507 Main Woodman Olsen, Ave. In- Clerks, Rosalyn Lewis, M.

Preston, Edna J. Yolanda R. Di. Ruscio, Rep, Judge, Julia M. Shortridge, P.

Dem. Betty L. Weinell, Frances A. Reaber, Frances 4064-Garage. 16713 Los Alimos St.

Clerks, Janet A. Buratti. Swanee Judge, Lillian J. Madden, Clerks, 8828 Stansbury Ave. In- Judge, Inspector, Mary E.

Maughan, M. McDonell, Catherine M. Milspector, Mesick, Dem. Lucille E. Pinkowski, J.

Campbell, Judith B. spector, Frances H. Shaffer, Adah Elliott, Iona M. ler. Dem.

Mary Grace H. Brandelius, Clerks, Clerks, L. 16921. Simonds St. InSpradling, Judge, Cleo H.

Rose, Nestor, Beverly J. Christensen, spector, Suzanne W. Howell, Dem. Dorrington P1. Helmie Kramer, R.

Evans, Rep. Helen 3021-Garage, 9291 Bernice E. Martin, Rep. 4065-Res. 10348 Vena Ave.

Inspec- Judge, Charlotte M. Barbara E. Spenard, Nelson, Patricia Clerks, J. Inspector, Carol Riccitelli, Clerks, 3262-Garage, 8853 Rae Matilija Campbell, Ave. In- tor.

Gladys A. Sprengel, Judge, Bailey, Ruth H. Jensen, Marietta S. Briggs, Judge, Dolores L. Lund, Vauneta C.

spector, Bonnie L. Tallman, Lillian Reitnauer, Clerks, Geor- 11214 Gloria Ave. InspecRep. Winthrop, Mary H. Bushy, Dem.

Judge, Clerks, Gloria Maxine Yocom, Violet C. ria L. De Francisco. L. Jewell Mundell, M.

tor, Evelyn B. Baird, Judge, 9807 Mercedes Ave. Kolm, Oleha M. Cao, Rep. Dem.

Claunch, Florence Charlotte A. O'Donnell, Clerks, Judge, spector, Anne Pearl K. M. Gilbert, Mittelman, Clerks, 3263 -Garage, Elizabeth 8726 W. Matilija Staples, Ave.

In- 14800 Septo St. Inspector, Dempster, Harriet M. Quyle, Patricia R. Ray, Wennonah S. Helen J.

Seeman, Ida A. Zambito, Judge, spector, Lillian Schwartz, Clerks, Sylvia E. Greenberg. Funtowitz, Judge, Rep. L.

Todd, Dem. Rae Schaefer, Josephine E. Tyn- Maida Gruhner, Clerks. Mary BD1 10847 Monogram 14510 Rayen St. Inspector, dale.

Mildred M. Duda, Dem. J. Patricia Eileen McKnight, Ave. Inspector, Irene A.

Murphy, La Vina L. Campbell, Judge, 8264-Garage, 8618 Stansbury Ave. 15002 Germain Rep. St. In- Judge, Clerks, Georgia L.

Whitbeck. H. Dillbeck, Swailes, Lilian T. Minkoff, Jewell M. Rim- Inspector, Nellie B.

Kendall, spector, Gladys T. Olack, Judge, Eleanor M. Jolicoeur, Lillian M. Engelhart, Clerks, Laura A. kus, Nada R.

a Lechtenberg, Rep. Manon Harrod, Jeanne L. Clerks, Ellis, Joy M. Crosnoe, Clerks, Orpha Schultz, Rep. Miriam Judge, Phyllis M.

Melin, 8F18 Wakefield Ave. Regene J. Venus, Dem. A. Jackson, Annalie H.

Frances T. Jones, BD2 10841 Monogram Vivian Jacoby, No Party: Mitchell, Rep. 3036-Garage, Judge, Inspector, Helen L. L. Brueggeman, 3265-Garage, 8781 Wakefield Ave.

4070 16030 Devonshire St. In- Party: Judge, Joyce A. Johnson, Ave. Inspector, Ina B. McKee, No Bowman, Fern E.

Inspector, Agnes spector, Bettie M. Bruce, Judge, Clerks. Sylvia Hertzberg. Dianne A. Shelton, Noble.

Clerks, Ruthe Mary J. Rice, Dem. Judge, Lillian M. Vandenbroder, Masi, Clerks, Betty Lucille Monson. Clerks, Vera Hinxman, Shirley Lane, Dem.

8347 Sylmar Ave. Inspec- Spraner, Lucienne Pauline M. Roberta, Rose Billie Staedel, M. Scavarda, Lillian Rep. R.

Hill, 4317-School. M. 10560 Hansen, Lemona Ave. In3037- tor, Doris A. Michalski, Judge, Rep.

4076-School, 6535 Cedros Ave. In- spector, Doris Rinaldi, Clerks, Judge, June A. Bartholet. Clerks. 3266- 14308 Chase St.

Inspector, Amelia R. Bonnie Delores Kuch, Leontine. E. Florence Claar. Judge, Martha Florence M.

Keever, L. Sigler, Patricia A. Sams, spector, Mrazek, Elayne C. Ismay M. Bullock.

Judge, Louise Heffner, Dem. Dem. Riendeau, E. Webster, Clerks, Thelma Clerks, Mildred M. Biegel, Irma 4321 Garaze.

8515 Burnet 8 Ave. In3038 8535 Mammoth Ave. In- Stepakoff, Sievern, M. Windeguth, Mary Heidi, Rep. spector, Ethel E.

Bruce, Judze. Helen M. Audrey E. Harper, Shirley A. Ranchito Rep.

11255 Montgomery Ave. Nell K. Reynolds, Clerks, Eva Ferris, Judge, spector, Gloria M. Hunter, Clerks, 3267- 8515 Ave. In- Inspector.

Constance A. Anderson, Muenzer, Elizabeth Florence R. Venet, Rosemary spector, Bertha C. Roush, Clerks, Judge, Judge, Norma L. Warman, Heroniah Abajian, Collings, Dem.

Iva R. Nunn, Eva S. Clerks, Marcella A. Ozab. Joan Dowse, Dem.

Barrett. Madge R. Lilliquist. Corene B. Wilkins, L.

16737 Kinzie St. InspecKemp, Dorothy 3063-School. 9919 Laurel Canyon Clara B. Mitchell, Rep. Heidemann.

tor, J. Cowan, Mae Janet Judge Bivd. Inspector, Dollie I. Shreve, 3268- 8536 Mammoth Ave. In- 4115 15556 Chatsworth St.

In- Phair, Morita C. Rep. E. Clerks, Elsie Gallagher. Np Party spector, Reverly M.

Musselwhite, Ruth Wiener, Torrance, Brunson, Joanne Clerks, A. spector, Judge, Florella MacQuarrie. Dem. Judge, Lillian Knode, Aleatha Florence R. Otchis, Rachael A.

B. Berger, Hannah I. Dem. Ann F. Sturgeon.

Clerks. 4323 9503 Gerald Ave. InsperBettis, Clerks, Trow, Barbara Anita C. Hasher, Lucille F. tor, Rose M.

Reson, Judge, Lity. LEGAL NOTICES M. Lawhead, Clerks, Viola Gail Quick, Carole L. Gilpatrick, M. Grace Harrison, Dem.

16501 Plummer St. InJoseph R. Sylvestre, Clerks, Sara spector, Thilda Soderborg, Judge, Herson, Sue Kingery, Jean Levine, Dem, Helen 9536 Gothic Ave. Inspector, Anne Fletcher, Judge, Eleanor I. Dobbins, Clerks, Kay Wolf, Eileen Porter, Marilyn C.

Finlay, Dem. 4326-Garage, 9323 Monogram Ave. Inspector, Mildred L. Lane, Judge, Mary Las McDaniel, Clerks, Honey N. Rapkin, 'Berniece Nelson, Hetty A.

North, Dem. 16426 Calahan St. InWilma J. Nyeum, Clerks, Frances spector, Connie R. Honus, Judge, L.

Benner, Esther J. Moody, Beverly M. Hackler, Rep. 7028 Calhoun Ave. Inspector, Perna J.

Stubblefield, Judge, Elda G. Wilson, Clerks, Irene T. Morin, Mildred Malloy, May E. Hirschfeld, Rep. 15602 Hiawatha St.

Inspector, Erma M. Horak, Judge, Mary R. Heiman, Clerks, Marjorie A. Tate, Virginia M. Pickering, Mary Jane McCann, Rep.

14161 Pinney St. Inspector, Willene J. Eubanks, Judge, Grace Murray, Clerks, Caryl N. Rice, Leota J. Mogren, Hulda M.

Corley, Dem. 4387-Garage, 14657 Plummer St. Inspector, Bessie Gray Helm, Judge, Marian K. Radmacher, Clerks, Lois Srery, Virginia M. Granell, Benedetta Ehleiter, Dem.

9683 Lev Ave. Inspector, Patricia M. Rawls, Judge, Helen I. Wood, Clerks, Anna Fields, Ethel Moll, Irma Allison, Rep. 4397-Rear 8826 Burnet Ave.

Inspector, Violet M. White, Judge, Ruby M. Murphy, Clerks, Florence P. Setty, Jane Shapro, Ruby L. Grandfield, Rep.

10249 Gothic Ave. Inspector, Beverly B. Kicklighter, Judge, J. Irene M. Gerse, Clerks, Margie Barkley, Darlene S.

Edmondson, Margery G. Will, Dem. 4899 Garage, 9343 Gerald Ave. Inspector, Courtney M. Phillips, Judge, Leona D.

McKitterick, Clerks, Ivalou Bellamy, Betty J. Nickoloff, Joan A. Kitchak, Rep. 4400-Garage, 16301 Gledhill St. Inspector, Helen Doris W.

Simonson, Judge, M. Geiger, Clerks, Constance B. Tylock, Olga L. Freeark, Betty Urbach, Dem. 4411-Recreation Hall, 7650 Balboa Blvd.

Inspector, Agatha R. Underwood, Judge, Florence Bailey, Clerks, Charlotte F. Kessler. Aileen Ford, Alice S. Thompson, Rep.

4412-Res. 7436 Whitaker Ave. Inspector, Mary Phil Faust, Judge, Vivian B. Johnston, Clerks, Ann Terlizzi, Reba F. Nantz, Erna Robb.

Dem. 14858 Strathern St. Inspector, Myrtle W. Bohem, Judge, Maryann Whitsell. Clerks, Rita Lakin, Bessie R.

Skelton, Marie B. Patton, Rep. Rear, 14819 Wyandotte St. Inspector, Alberta Lee Stohlmann, Judge, Bernice L. Thiess, Clerks, Beatrice R.

Sklarew, Phyllis Scinto, Hazel M. Shanklin. Rep. K. 6339 Orion Ave.

Inspector, Mary Trembly, Judge, Veronica H. Dysart, Clerks, Lucy Ann Webster, Erma E. Scherer, Elizabeth A. Warfield, Dem. 7002 De Celis PI.

Inspector, Edith R. Krause, Judge, Madeline Dickough, Clerks, Lyda N. Anderson, Wilda G. Sampo, Shirley J. Wise, Dem.

Dated this 15th day of May, 1958. BENJAMIN S. HITE Registrar of Voters Publish May 15 and 22. 1958. (Van Nuys News-67515) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE No.

SF. P-3748 In the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles. In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM G. PECK, also known as W. G.

PECK, also known as WILLIAM GILBERT PECK, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of William G. Peck. aka W. G.

Peck, aka William Gilbert Peck, Deceased, will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject to confirmation by the said Superior Court. on or after the 2nd day of June, 1958, at the office of H. J. Gross, Attorney for Executrix, 14545 Sylvan Street, City of Van Nuys, County of Los Angeles, State of California, all the right, title and interest of said deceased at the time of death and all the right. title and interest that the estate of said deceased has acquired by operation of law or otherwise, other than or in addition to that of said deceased at the time of death, in and to all that certain real property particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot 73, of Tract No, 8126, as per map recorded in Book 115, Page 38 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, more commonly known as 14208 Tiara Street, Van Nuys, California.

Terms of Sale: Cash in lawful money of the United States on confirmation of sale, or part cash and balance evidenced by note secured by mortgage or Trust Deed on the property 80 sold. Ten per cent of amount bid to be deposited with bid. Bids or offers to be in writing and will be received at the aforesaid office at any time after the first publication hereof and before date of sale. Dated May 12, 1958. BERNICE PECK MILES, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of William G.

Peck. aka W. G. Peck, aka William Gilbert Peck. Deceased.

H. J. Gross 14545 Sylvan Street Van Nuys, California ST 5-2145 ST 3-2967 (Van Nuys 678) CERTIFICATE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF USE ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that effective April 16, 1958. it ceased to do business under the fictitious firm name of LANCASTER AUTO PARTS at 44806 North Sierra Highway, Lancaster, California, which business was formerly coraposed of the following corporation. whose name in full and place of business is 88 follows, to wit: Woodland Hills Auto' Parts, 5373 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Woodland Hills.

California. WITNESS its hand this 16th day of April. 1958. WOODLAND HILLS AUTO PARTS By Robert J. Pandiscio, President By Sabin P.

Sturtevant, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES On this 16th day of April, 1958, hefore the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and commissioned State, residing therein, duly and sworn. personally appeared Robert J. Pandiscio and Sabin P. Sturtevant. known to me to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of the corporation that executed the be within the instrument, known to me to persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.

WITNESS my hand and official seal. H. J. GROSS Notary Public in and for Said County and State Publish May 15, 22, 29, June 3, 1958 (Van Nuys News 682 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he is conducting a dairy business at 11230 Dempsey City of Granada Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of GRANADA HILLS DAIRY and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is as follows, to-wit: Wesley C. Hatch, 11230 Dempsey Granada Hills, Calif.

WITNESS my hand this 12th day of May, 1958. WESLEY C. HATCH STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON THIS 12th day of May A.D., 1958, before me, Bessie K. Sizelove, Notary Public in and for said County and State. residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally Appeared Wesley C.

Hatch, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. BESSIE K. SIZELOVE Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires Dee.

19, 1959. Publish May 15, 22, 29. June 6, 1958. LEGAL NOTICES (Van Nuys News-67599) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles will receive bids for furnishing all A.M.. labor and material for the following work: KIND OF WORK AND NAME OF SCHOOL OR LOCATION MOVING AND RESETTING OF SANI.

TARY BUILDING J-125 ON SITE AT VAN NUYS HIGH SCHOOL. DATE OF BID OPENING JUNE 2. 1958 Each bid shall be in accordance with drawings, specifications and other contract documents now on file in the MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS BRANCH of the Business Division of said Board, 1425 South. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles. Prospective bidders may secure copies of said drawings and specifications at the office of said MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS BRANCH.

Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at said MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS BRANCH of the Board of Education; shall be sealed and filed with the Contract and Insurance Section of the Board of Education, Room 215, 1425 South San Pedro Street. Los Angeles, by not later than 2:00 P.M. on the date or dates shown above and will be opened and read aloud in public at, or about, said time in Room 202 at said address. Attention of bidders is called to the provisions of General Conditions of the specifications concerning bid guarantee and contract bonds requirements. Pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of California, the Board of Education has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the contract or contracts which will be awarded the successful bidder or bidders as follows: MINIMUM WAGE RATES Apprentices: May be employed conformity with Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code.

Riggers and Welders: Same wage scale 88 craft to which rigging and welding is incidental. BASIC TRADES Hourly Wage Rate $3.375 Foreman: Receives not less than 30 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has leadership, Laborer. General or Construction 2.68 Foreman: Receives not less than 25 cents per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest classification over which he has supervision. Drivers of Trucks legal payload capacity less than 6 tons 2.83 Drivers of Trucks legal payload capacity between 6 and 10 tons 2.86 Drivers of Trucks legal payload capacity between 10 and 15 tons 2.949 SUB-TRADES "HOUSEMOVERS Housemover Foreman 3.04 Housemover Journeyman 2.78 health, welfare, and vacation, a8 applicable, The rates of per diem wages for each of the various classifications of work shall be the hereinbefore set forth prevailing rates of hourly wages multiplied by eight (8). Eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work; it being workmen understood that in the event that are employed less than eight (8) hours per day, the per diem wages shall be deemed to be that fraction of the per diem wages herein established that the number of hours of employment bears to eight (8) hours.

WORKING RULES 1-Where a single shift is worked, eight (8) consecutive hours between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. shall constitute day's work at straight time for all workers. 2-Forty (40) hours between Monday 7 A.M. and Friday 5 P.M.

shall constitute a week's work at straight time. 3 -All work performed in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week or on Holidays. Saturdays and Sundays shall be paid for at the rate for overtime of the craft involved. 4-- Holidays A8 herein referred to shall be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, classification or type of workman employed on the project. It shall be-mandatory upon the contractor to whom a contract is awarded, and upon all subcontractors under him to nay not less than said general pre: vailing rates of per diem wages to all workmen employed in the execution of the contract.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informality in any bid. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES By S. C. JOYNER, Business Manager DATED: Los Angeles, California, May 12, 1958. Publish May 15 and 22, 1958.

(Van Nuys 658) CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that she is conducting an auto top repair and sales business at 11429 Burbank City of North Hollywood, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of GORDON'S AUTO TOP SHOP and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is as follows, to-wit: Michael Gordon, 3026 Reid Culver City, Calif. WITNESS my hand this 6th day of May, 1958. MICHAEL GORDON STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON THIS 6th day of May, A.D.. 1958, before me, Clifford Laning, Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Michael Gordon, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.

I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in. this certificate first above written. CLIFFORD LANING Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires May 10, 1960. Publish May 8, 15, 22, 29, 1958. LEGAL NOTICES (Van Nuys News- -67157) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No.

T-3652 On June 1958, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.. at the front center door of the McKeehan Escrow Company, located at 4851 Van Nuys Sherman Oaks, in the City of Los Angeles, California, McKeehan Escrow Company, As Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by KATHERINE HASEKIAN, a widow and recorded May 8, 1956, in Book 51117. Page 192, of Official Records of Los Angeles County, California, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of SIDNEY McMURDO and VIOLET MeMURDO, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, now owned and held by SIDNEY and -VIOLET MURDO, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, by reason of the breach of certain obligations secured thereby. notice of which was recorded February 4, 1958, in Book 56466, Page 77, of said Official Records, McKeehan Escrow Company will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or cumbrances, the interest conveyed to and now held by said Trustee under said Deed of Trust, in and to the following described property, to wit: Lot No, 8 of Tract No.

19939, in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 522. pages 26 and 27 of Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, for the purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed, interest thereon and $4,250.00 in unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed, with interest thereon from March 31, 1956, as in said note and by law provided. Dated: May 5, 1958. McKEEHAN ESCROW COMPANY. Trustee Executive Vice-President Attest Edna A.

McGovern. Asst. Secretary Publish May 8, 15, 22, 1958, (Van Nuys News 6531 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he is conducting a retail book sales business at P.0. Box 351. City of North Hollywood, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of PROFESSIONAL BOOK SERVICE and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is as follows, to-wit: Howard I.

Weiss, 7063 Fulton North Hollywood, California. WITNESS my hand this 5th day of May, 1958. HOWARD WEISS STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES S8 ON THIS 5th day of May, A.D., 1958, before me, Clifford Laning, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Howard L. Weiss, known to me to be the person. whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. CLIFFORD LANING Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires May 10. 1960. Publish May 8, 15, 22.

29, 1958. (Van. Nuys 6221 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he is conducting a home delivery of swimming pool chemicals business at 19026 Gault City of Reseda. County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of SAV-MOR CHEMICAL SERVICE and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is 88 follows, to-wit: Earl W. Chaffee, 19026 Gault Reseda.

Calif. WITNESS my hand this 28rd day of April, 1958. EARL W. CHAFFEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON THIS 23rd day of April, A.D., 1958. before me, Clifford Laning.

Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared Earl W. Chaffee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. CLIFFORD LANING Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires May 10, 1960.

Publish April 24, May 1, 8, 16, 1968. (Van Nuys 624) CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he is conducting a gardening and landseaping business at 7635 Burnet City of Van Nuys, County of Los Angeles, State of California. under the fictitious firm name of COMPLETE GARDENING LAND. SCAPING SERVICES and that said firm is composed of the following per-son, whose name and address is as followa, to-wit: Ronald Loren Wilkes, 7635 Burnet Van Nuys, Calif WITNESS my hand this 23rd day of April, 1958. RONALD LOREN WILKES STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 58 ON THIS 23rd day of April, A.D., 1958, before me, Clifford Laning.

8 Notary Publie in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn. personally 8D- peared. Ronald Loren Wilkes, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto wet my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written.

CLIFFORD LANING Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires May 10, 1960. Publish April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 1958. (Van Nuys News 637) CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Louise Gill, 5420 Vesper Van Nuys, Calif. WITNESS my hand this 28th day of April, 1958. LOUISE GILL THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that she is conducting a tavern business at Van Nuys City of Van Nuys, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of THE ARROW.

and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is as follows, to-wit: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON THIS 28th day of April, A.D., 1958, before me, Clifford Laning, Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned. and sworn, personally a peared Louise Gill, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. CLIFFORD LANING Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires May 10, 1960.

Publish May 1, 8, 15, 22, 1958. (Van Nuys News- 655) CERTIFICATE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF USE ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby certify that, effective April 28, 1958, they ceased to do business under the fictitious firm name of EFFICIENT TELEVISION LABORATORIES at 14629 Victory Van Nuys, California, which business Was formerly composed of the following persons, whose names in full and places of residence are as follows, to-wit: Marvin Schaffer, 5334 Vantage, North Hollywood, Calif. Bernard Schwartz, 13313 Strathern, North Hollywood, Calif. Certificate for transaction of business under the above fictitious name, and affidavit of publication thereof, are on file in the office of the County Clerk of Los Angeles County, under the provisions of Section 2466 of the Civil Code. WITNESS our hands this 5th day of May, 1958.

BERNARD SCHWARTZ MARVIN SCHAFFER Publish May 8, 15, 22, 29, 1958. (Van Nuys News- 639) CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he is conducting a General Insurance business at 14418 Chase Street. City of Panorama City, County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the fictitious firm name of PANORAMA CITY INSURANCE AGENCY and that said firm is composed of the following person, whose name and address is as follows, to-wit I. Stephen Brent, 16531 Bosque Drive, Encino, California. WITNESS my hand this 28th day of April, 1958.

I. STEPHEN BRENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES $8 ON THIS 28th day of April, A.D.. 1958, before me, Nancy L. Peterson, A Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally ape peared I. Stephen Brent, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto wet my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. NANCY L. PETERSON Notary Public in and for Said County and State My Commission expires March 10, 1961. Publish May 1, 8, 15, 22, 1958.

(Van Nuys News G.S. 680) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Subject to issuance of the license applied for, notice is hereby given that the undersigned proposes to sell alcoholic beverages at the premises, described an follows: 12906 Sherman Way, North Pursuant to such intention, the undesigned is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for issuance by transfer of an alcoholie beverage license for these premises follows: ON-SALE BEER Anyone desiring to protest the issuance of such license may file veritied protest with the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at Sacramento, California, stating grounds for denial as provided by law. The form of verification may be obtained from any office of the Department. The premises are now licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Publish May 15, 1958.

(Van Nuys News-67347) NOTICE OF RECORDING of Assessments and Diagrams for certain lighting under the "Lighting District Ordinance of 1935," and all amendments thereto. Notice is hereby given that the As. sessments and Diagrams for the lighting of the following districts 26 contemplated by the Ordinances of intention shown opposite each were recorded in the office of the Board of Publie Works of the City of Los Angeles on the 6th day of May, 1958: SCADLOCK LANE AND BRIARWOOD DRIVE Lighting District, Ordinance No. 110882 SCADLOCK LANE AND LONGBOW DRIVE Lighting Distriet. Ordinance No.

110883. All sums levied in said assessments are due and payable immediately, and payment of said sums is to be made to said Board of Public Works in its office. Room 88, City Hall, in said city, within Sixty (60) days after the 15th day of May, 1958. All assessments not paid before the expiration of said sixty days will become delinquent, and thereupon Ten (10) per cent of the amount of ench such assessment will be added thereto, and the property advertised for sale as provided by law. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES By Cushing Phillips, President Publish May 15, 1958.

DO YOU OPERATE UNDER A Fictitious Firm Name If so, have you complied with the requirements of person Section and 2466 every of the partnership Civil Code, transacting which says business "Every -under a fictitious firm name- must file a certificate stating the names in full and the place of residence of such person and the member or members of such partnership such certificate must be published, once a week for four consecutive weeks." If you have neglected this procedure, do you realize that the name of your firm is not protected and that you are not entitled to maintain suits for collection, or for other purposes, in the courts of the State of California? Take care of this important matter NOW by Wherever live having The News Green Sheet publish the ceryou tificate. The cost is small, but the filing and publin the Valley, The cation is something which should not be overlooked. News Green Sheet can take care of this publication for you. The News Green Sheet 14539 Sylvan St. STate 6-7111 7035 Reseda Blvd.

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The Van Nuys News and Valley Green Sheet from Van Nuys, California (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.